My 360 came back yesterday, That is to say a new 360 came by UPS yesterday, with a note basically saying they couldn't fix the old one so here's a new one. Good enough. I hope it has the extra heat sink in it.
I got everything set back up and got right on FFXI to se what had been going on. Everyone was very nice and said they missed me. Aww.
In the dry spell of the last month, I had started to peruse a few forums and blogs, and I had started to think that when I got my 360 back, I really wanted to level Corsair. Why? They have one of the neatest concepts I think there is in the game. The whole gambler thing is awesome. (Cait Sith was awesome, and Wakka, while not awesome in and of himself, did have his voice acting done by John Di Maggio, who is also the voice of Bender in Futurama. So he was cool by extension.) I just like the idea that Corsairs might help out the party, or, then again, might not. Also, they look amazing. The hexagun, the AF, they just look so perfect.
So I decided as soon as I got going. I switched to Corsair. I went to the Auction House and blew all my cash on the extra equipment I'd want to have to really be geared up. Luckily, at level 19, there's not all that much leet gear to worry about. I got a Kingdom Bandana, a Feather Collar, a Warrior's Belt +1, (I seem to have lost/sold the one I used to have... mule confusion!) and some ingredients for Jack-o'-Lanterns. And then I was broke. I have the NQ Bone Earrings and Rings, and I figured that was no big deal since I could upgrade to Beetle +1's at 21. And I already have the Earrings. So money saved there (sorta).
Then I went out with my flag up. No invites. Ah, that's what happens at level 19... too high for Dunes, too low for Qufim. So I went over to Bastok to try for the one piece of gear I really wanted. Bounding Boots.
I went out to Lizzy's spawn area, and there were about 7 people in the area. Two of them seemed to be AFK, two were leveling some jobs around lv7, two were apparently trying to pop Lizzy by killing every Rock Lizard they could find, and the last guy knew what he was doing. Once I was actually able to figure out which lizards were the placeholders, I saw that he had them both on timers. It looked bad for me. Then, after about 10 minutes of looking around, I saw her. I took aim (with a Bandit Gun!?) and... moved. Oops. I aimed again and got the claim. Yay. I wasn't too hopeful since I was just a 19 COR/RNG, no helpful TH2 and all. And so it went. No drop. Aww.
So I left, off to Konschtat Highlands to solo a bit. I got some xp and then died. Just enough to basically break even. On the downside I had used my Empress Ring. So I ran down to Qufim and flagged up. And nobody, absolutely nobody was partying. Not one single party of anyone between the levels of 19 to 24. Nothing.
Then a DRG showed up and saved the day! He got a whole group together and we went off to the lake to kill worms and crabs. After a short time, the THF leveled. To 24. Then left. Then the WHM had to go. Then the NIN blew himself up and was suddenly in Whitegate.
...And we got 3 more people, including another WHM! We were killing stuff left and right, and I got my xp bonus completed with 13 minutes left on the charge. And then I even got to COR 20 with a nice big buffer. It was very nice.
Oh, and then this morning I went back to South Gustaberg as a THF, walked straight up to Lizzy, who was waiting there unclaimed, killed her and got my boots. I got back to Jeuno before the airship did.
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